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"use strict"; // ==UserScript== // @name Dowload Twitter Videos // @namespace https://github.com/scambier/userscripts // @author Simon Cambier // @version 0.5.7 // @description Adds a download button to quickly fetch gifs and videos embedded in tweets // @license ISC // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.js // @include https://twitter.com/* // @include https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/* // @include http://twittervideodownloader.com/?url=* // @include https://www.savetweetvid.com/?url=* // @include https://twdown.net/?url=* // @include https://twittervideodownloader.online/?url=* // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // console = unsafeWindow.console; (() => { 'use strict'; const externalDomains = [ 'http://savetweetvid.com/?url=', 'https://twdown.net/?url=', 'http://twittervideodownloader.com/?url=', 'https://twittervideodownloader.online/?url=' // 'https://twdownload.com/?url=', // 'https://twdownloader.net/?url=' ]; const externalDomainsBlockquotes = [ 'http://twittervideodownloader.com/?url=', ]; // Do not reexecute script when Twitter location changes if (window.location.href.includes('twitter.com/i/cards')) { return; } //#region JQuery events $(document).on('click', '[data-dtv]', function (e) { let mediaUrl = $(this).attr('data-dtv-media-url'); const tweetUrl = $(this).attr('data-dtv-tweet-url'); const blockquote = $(this).attr('data-dtv-blockquote') === 'true'; if (mediaUrl.startsWith('blob:') || mediaUrl.startsWith('https://t.co')) { // If it's a blob video, redirect to twdownload.com mediaUrl = (blockquote ? getRandomItem(externalDomainsBlockquotes) // These urls are compatible with blockquotes : getRandomItem(externalDomains)) + tweetUrl; } e.stopPropagation(); window.open(mediaUrl); }); $(document).on('click', 'a.tweet-action, a.tweet-detail-action', function (e) { setTimeout(() => { const tweetUrl = getTweetUrl_tweetDeck(this); const article = $(this).closest('article'); const mediaUrl = article.attr('data-dtv-video'); const actions = article.find('.js-dropdown-content ul'); if (mediaUrl && !actions.find('[data-dtv-video]').length) { actions.append(`
  • Download media
  • `); } }, 0); }); $(document).on('mouseenter', '.is-selectable', function (e) { $(this).addClass('is-selected'); }); $(document).on('mouseleave', '.is-selectable', function (e) { $(this).removeClass('is-selected'); }); //#endregion //#region CSS const style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` .dtv-link { cursor: pointer; color: white; position: absolute; font-size: 1em; background-color: #14171A; padding: 2px 2px 0 3px; border-radius: 2px; top: 7px; left: 7px; opacity: 0; transition: 0.2s; z-index: 999; } .dtv-link img { border: none; } .dtv-link:visited { color: white; } .dtv-link:hover { color: white; } article:hover .dtv-link { opacity: 1; transition: 0.2s; } `)); document.head.appendChild(style); //#endregion CSS //#region Twitter function getTweetUrl_twitter(videoContainer) { return location.origin + $(videoContainer).closest('article').find('a[href*="status"]')[0].getAttribute('href'); } function addButtonOverVideo(video) { // Make sure that the link exists if (!video.src) { return; } // If it's a blockquote const blockquote = $(video.videoContainer).closest('div[role="blockquote"]')[0]; // If button is already added if ($(video.videoContainer).find('[data-dtv]').length) { return; } // video.container.setAttribute('style', 'position: relative;') // Create the button (not a real button, just a link) const link = document.createElement('a'); link.className = 'dtv-link'; // Add the download icon const icon = document.createElement('img'); icon.setAttribute('src', ''); link.setAttribute('data-dtv', ''); link.setAttribute('data-dtv-media-url', video.src); link.setAttribute('data-dtv-tweet-url', getTweetUrl_twitter(video.videoContainer)); if (blockquote) { link.setAttribute('data-dtv-blockquote', 'true'); } link.appendChild(icon); video.videoContainer.appendChild(link); } function getVideos_twitter() { const elems = []; const videos = $('video'); for (const video of videos) { const videoContainer = $(video).parent().get(0); // if (!container || container.querySelector('[data-dtv]')) { continue } elems.push({ videoContainer, src: video.currentSrc }); } return elems; } //#endregion Twitter //#region Tweetdeck function getTweetUrl_tweetDeck(elem) { const article = elem.closest('article'); const tweetLink = article.querySelector('[rel="url"]'); if (tweetLink) { return tweetLink.getAttribute('href'); } throw new Error('DTV - Could not found tweet url'); } function getVideos_tweetdeck() { const elems = []; const gifs = $('.js-media-gif.media-item-gif'); for (const gif of gifs) { const container = gif.closest('article'); if (container.querySelector('[data-dtv]')) { continue; } elems.push({ videoContainer: container, src: gif.getAttribute('src') }); } const videos = $('div.is-video'); for (const video of videos) { // Only keep "internal" twitter videos const src = video.querySelector('[rel=mediaPreview]').getAttribute('href'); const container = video.closest('article'); if (src.startsWith('https://t.co/') && !container.querySelector('[data-dtv]')) { elems.push({ videoContainer: container, src }); } } return elems; } //#endregion Tweetdeck //#region External services function download_twdownload() { const url = getUrlQuery(); if (url) { const form = document.querySelector('form[action="/download-track/"]'); const input = form.querySelector('input[name="twitter-url"]'); const submit = form.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); input.setAttribute('value', url); submit.click(); } } function download_twittervideodownloader() { const url = getUrlQuery(); if (url) { const form = document.querySelector('form[action="/download"]'); const input = form.querySelector('input[name="tweet"]'); const submit = form.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); input.setAttribute('value', url); submit.click(); } } function download_twittervideodownloader_online() { const url = getUrlQuery(); if (url) { const input = document.querySelector('input#twitter_url'); const submit = document.querySelector('button#button'); input.setAttribute('value', url); setTimeout(() => { submit.click(); }, 100); } } function download_savetweetvid() { const url = getUrlQuery(); if (url) { const form = document.getElementById('form_download'); const input = form.querySelector('input[name="url"]'); const submit = form.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); input.setAttribute('value', url); submit.click(); } } function download_twdownloader() { const url = getUrlQuery(); if (url) { const form = document.querySelector('form[action="/download/"]'); const input = form.querySelector('input[name="tweet"]'); const submit = form.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); input.setAttribute('value', url); submit.click(); } } function download_twdown() { const url = getUrlQuery(); if (url) { const form = document.querySelector('form[action="download.php"]'); const input = form.querySelector('input[name="URL"]'); const submit = form.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); input.setAttribute('value', url); submit.click(); } } //#endregion External services //#region Utils function isTwitter() { return location.host === 'twitter.com'; } function isTweetdeck() { return location.host === 'tweetdeck.twitter.com'; } function getUrlQuery() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); return urlParams.get('url'); } function getRandomItem(items) { return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; } //#endregion Utils /** * Create download links on the timeline */ function main() { if (isTwitter()) { const videos = getVideos_twitter(); for (const video of videos) { addButtonOverVideo(video); } } else if (isTweetdeck()) { const videos = getVideos_tweetdeck(); for (const video of videos) { if (!video.src) { continue; } video.videoContainer.setAttribute('data-dtv-video', video.src); } } } if (location.hostname.includes('twitter.com')) { setInterval(() => { main(); }, 1000); } else { switch (window.location.hostname) { case 'twdownload.com': download_twdownload(); break; case 'www.savetweetvid.com': download_savetweetvid(); break; case 'twittervideodownloader.com': download_twittervideodownloader(); break; case 'twdownloader.net': download_twdownloader(); break; case 'twdown.net': download_twdown(); break; case 'twittervideodownloader.online': download_twittervideodownloader_online(); break; } } })();

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